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The surgery community has surprised us in so many ways; women living past stereotypes... uplifting one another, praying for, rooting for, educating, and bonding together. The things the community was originally created to be. A bond of women with a commonality of chasing body goals via Sx.

Surgery Sister, often expressed as Sx Sister, is a term you may not find anywhere else except inside the Body Altering Aesthetics industry. Because of how much research is done away from your common circles, current and future clients tend to form bonds with complete strangers going through the same experience. Clients (referred to affectionately in the community as “Dolls”) ask questions, research parts of their procedure, pray and uplift one another through each step of the surgical journey.

While family and friends will be around for aspects of a Cosmetic Self Love journey, they won’t walk with you through every step and you’ll find yourself leaning on others within the industry to the point they become apart of your extended family.

Surgery sisters will correct misinformation before the procedure, forward links for supplies and products, make provider and even surgeon suggestion, and offer insight on safe best practices.

It is an experience like no other as most come as complete strangers and leave the community as friends. In an industry dominated by women— the old adage of “all women do is bicker and gossip” falls short just a few steps of the Sx Community. By no means is the Body Altering Aesthetics industry completely drama free, but the camaraderie and “coming together” aspects of Surgery Sisters is seen and felt around the world amongst those that have taken this journey. They share a bond that the outside world may never understand— nor do surgery sisters ever need them to as they have found love and strength in each other.

About the author


International massage therapist who’s career has evolved from sports massage, to oncology massage, to leading the industry in postOperative care and body contouring, specifically pertaining to plastic surgery. Tai is the owner of Taime out Massage Studios and a Tributo partner.